PO Box 9090
Window Rock, AZ 86515
General Director: Rev Chuck (Cindy) Harper

PO Box 1459
Gallup, NM 87305
General Director: Rev Roger (Kathy) L. Scarbro

PO Box 5587
Hudson, FL 34674
Director: Clark Parry

24826 Road L
Cortez, CO 81321
Director - Joe (Eberly) Mehesy

333 Cedine Camp Road
Spring City, TN 37381
General Director - Rev. Vernon (Martha) Tannahill

Flagstaff, AZ 86002
Executive Director - Dan (Beth) Taggart

PO Box 30880
Flagstaff, AZ 86003
President - Dr. Jason (Sarah) Koppen

PO Box 128
Plainwell, MI 49080
Executive Director - Scott (Sharon) Gilbertson

PO Box 638
Castle Rock, CO 80104
Director - Timothy (Nancy) Chally

011 Mission Road
Madison, GA 30650
President - Dr. Ron (Brenda) Barnes

125 Calvary Church Road
Wrightsville, PA 17368
President - Rev. Mike (Kristina) Miosi

PO Box 160
LaGrange, WY 82221
Executive Director: Chuck (Connie) Mathias

25 FRJ Drive
Longview, TX 75602
President: Mr. Randy (Connie) Harris

PO Box 6429
Glendale, AZ 85312
Executive Director - Rev. Dan (Julie) Fredericks

PO Box 197/696 E. Ellendale Ave.
Dallas, OR 97338
Executive Director - Dr. John (Candy) Adams
We provide accreditation to ministries which are primarily mistering in North America.
ANAM member organizations are staffed by God’s servants, are set apart by the Local Church, and sent to minister in North America. The ministry results in the advancement of the Great Commission and in building and strengthening the Church.
Our members must adhere to and demonstrate that they 1) fit our member requirements and 2) adhere to our Code of Ethics and Code of Financial Ethics. 3) do all on the list of Member requirements and 4) are paid up on their membership Fees
- Subscribe to the Doctrinal Statement, By-Laws, and Policy Manual of ANAM.
In recognition of our high calling and the standards established by the Word of God for those involved in His service, we do hereby solemnly and willingly submit ourselves to these guidelines for conduct, performance and behavior.STANDARDS
- We shall steadfastly uphold the Statement of Faith and policies of ANAM.
- We shall endeavor to hold the total cause of Christ above any private, group or special interest.
- We shall attempt to be governed by the highest ideals of administrative integrity and personal uprightness in all our personal and public relationships so that we may merit the respect of our fellow men and that the Lord Jesus Christ will be displayed in our lives.
- We shall aggressively pursue fiscal responsibility and transparency in our exercise of Christian stewardship, both in our personal lives and in the conduct of our ministries.
- We shall be receptive to competent counsel from our colleagues.
- We shall maintain standards of high integrity and principle in practices of staff recruitment and shall avoid proselytizing from other ANAM missions.
- We shall vigorously guard confidences placed in us by those to whom we minister as well as to those who minister to us.
- We shall constantly strive to increase the professional development, competency, knowledge, skills and effectiveness of persons serving in our ministries.
- We shall cooperate in advancing the Gospel by exchanging relevant information and experience with our co-laborers in Christ.
- We shall express an opinion or disclose information about co-laborers in Christ or sister organizations only when it is based solely upon verifiable facts and adequate knowledge, and only to those who have the legitimate right and need for such information.
- We shall vigorously maintain promotional accuracy in all internal and external communications.
- We shall continually pursue wholesome relationships with churches, particularly the commissioning churches, which enable us to exercise our God-given call to service.
Heavenly Father, grant us the wisdom, discernment and strength to abide by, and exceed, these standards. Our earnest desire and fervent prayer is that we may each be made more into the likeness of Your Son so that the world may know Christ. Help us, our Father, to be sensitive to the needs of our own lives, to those of our brethren in ministry, and to the multitudes round about us.PREAMBLE
We, the member missions of ANAM, will aggressively pursue fiscal responsibility and transparency in our exercise of Christian stewardship.Pledge
We hereby pledge to our donors that we will endeavor:We, as members of the Association of North American Missions, do hereby place ourselves under these standards in order to evidence our commitment to our donors, and thereby insure a high level of accountability to our donors.
- To encourage voluntary contributions from churches and Christian individuals as the primary source of funding for our ministries.
- To be honest in our portrayal of our financial conditions and accurate in the descriptions of all our ministry activities.
- To give a realistic view of what will be accomplished as a result of any gift given to our ministries. All gifts will be utilized to the best of our abilities consistent with the donor’s intent.
- To consider the donor’s best interests in our fund raising efforts. We strongly recommend that the donor’s financial and professional advisors be consulted before making any major contribution or contract.
- To provide accurate and appropriate financial reports on all mission fund raising projects.
- To insure that no tax deductible gift will inure to the personal benefit of any individual.
- To notify any donor whose gift may not be compatible with the mission’s stated purposes, to gain approval to redirect the gift or return it to the donor.
- To know and correctly apply tax law rules related to charitable giving.
- To adhere to the standard that no compensation on a percentage basis shall be granted to any person raising funds for our ministries.
- To recognize and disclose any business dealings or relationships that could be construed as a conflict of interest or self-serving on the part of those associated with the ministry or their family members. Related parties are to disclose conflicts of interest – real or perceived – and recuse themselves from deliberating and voting on any related party transactions.
- To demonstrate a commitment to financial accountability and transparency by adopting and implementing a board-level internal control review process, thus ensuring that the board and officers fulfill their fiduciary responsibilities.
- Incorporated as a nonprofit in the US, or equivalent in Canada or Mexico.
- Governed by a properly constituted board of at least 5 members, a majority of whom are independent, meeting at least semi-annually.
- Present satisfactory evidence to the Credentials committee as to the necessity and purpose of its existence.
- Give evidence of a satisfactory degree of progress toward the established goals of your organization.
- Perform services which assist the local church in fulfilling its New Testament appointed objectives.
- Demonstrate a commitment to financial accountability and transparency by adopting and implementing a board level internal control review process, thus ensuring that the board and officers fulfill their fiduciary responsibilities.
- Committed as an organization to generous involvement in all facets of ANAM.
- Pay the annual dues.
ANAM Member Organizational Fee (yearly) $500.00 plus “Per Unit” Fee. (Husband and wife are counted as one unit.)
1 – 20 units $10.00 each
21 – 40 units $9.00 each
41 – 60 units $8.00 each
61 – 80 units $7.00 each
81 – 100 units $6.00 each
100 + units $5.00 each
The “Per Unit” Fee will be paid for all personnel (full-time or part-time) working in Canada, U.S., and Mexico, as well as board members. It does not include temporary or short-term personnel or those members working outside Canada, US, or Mexico.
The total membership fee (Organizational Fee plus Per Unit Fee) will be prorated to the closest quarter for the first year of membership.
The maximum membership fee will be capped at $1,200 per year.
Comming soon